Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Making My Health My Top Priority

Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Making My Health My Top Priority

As I shared in last weeks post – it’s been a whirlwind year of achievements, accomplishments, and activities.  I am back to doing things that I honestly didn’t think I would ever do again.  I am feeling relatively healthy, strong, and somewhat...
Managing My MS Flares With CBD

Managing My MS Flares With CBD

Really, it should not come as a shock to anyone that lives with MS to hear that the week my book, Segway Into My New Life: A Story of Diagnosis, finally came out on Amazon – my MS decided to throw a temper tantrum and go into a flare. BUT – thanks to my...
I’ve Finally Gone and Done It: I am an Author

I’ve Finally Gone and Done It: I am an Author

HOLY SHIT!!!  I am a published author – or maybe I have to wait for someone to actually buy a copy to officially call myself a writer?!?!?!? CLICK HERE TO VIEW AND PURCHASE MY BOOK ON AMAZON   I am freaking out and feeling proud all at the same time –...
Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Traveling With An Invisible Disease

Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Traveling With An Invisible Disease

Smiles and laughter are infectious!  People are drawn to other people that seem genuinely happy, who seem to be loving life.  Because ultimately ALL of us want that, to be happy and to love life.   This past week we traveled to Syracuse New York, which REALLY is...
MS & Cannabis- I Am Actually Getting a Life

MS & Cannabis- I Am Actually Getting a Life

I’m super excited to be traveling to Denver tomorrow to attend IndoExpo.  I learned about the expo on Tuesday night and booked my flight yesterday.  BUT this wasn’t some crazy impulse decision – this involved a sleepless night and a lot of tossing...