I am a published author – or maybe I have to wait for someone to actually buy a copy to officially call myself a writer?!?!?!?




I am freaking out and feeling proud all at the same time – and talk about sensory overload – Arty is in full meltdown – but we are ignoring him at the moment because at the moment -this shit is about me and what I have finally managed to do!!


I wrote a book – and then I managed to actually remember that I wrote a book!  Over the years, I have pulled it out from time to time, trying to make it flow and find a cohesion in the stories, but both my physical and mental abilities have gotten in the way time and time again.  I would find moments of clarity to focus on it – only to be led down another rabbit hole of this disease – increased pain, a new vision issue, more fatigue, a flair, a return of the dreaded constipation….there was always something that would pull my attention away from the book and then once that happened it would be weeks and months until I would get back to it.  Only to discover that I had no memory of ever writing it – I remembered the stories, but the writing style wouldn’t be familiar and I would begin to re-write it.  This has happened so many times over the years I’ve lost count – BUT I have now done it! I have managed to stay on track and focused for long enough to see this project through!

I have NO doubt that cannabis and CBD played a HUGE roll in this!


For the longest time, I thought that this was about being able to show the world that there is life after diagnosis but now I am realizing that this is just a stepping stone to bigger things!  I am a writer and I am SO excited to try and tell the world how really messed up and fucking crazy it is to live with MS. What it’s like to live with an “invisible disease” because I KNOW I don’t look there is anything wrong with me – believe me, I have heard those words – and truthfully, they are magic to my ears.  It means that I have succeeded in being a badass and not allowing this disease to define me and I have some GREAT ideas to promote understanding and awareness but I NEED this book to be my wings.  I NEED people to take note of it so that the people that might be able to help me with my project will hear about me.


SO I am shamelessly coming to you – all of you.  The ones that have known me through all the bumps and hurdles of my life.  Those that I have met on the phone or in real life.  Those that I have known for years and the friends and acquaintances I have made from all over the world because of this fantastical disease.  Whether you found me 6 plus years ago when I first started trying to get the words that live in my head out on my blog, or we have more recently connected because of cannabis and CBD and my new journey of living a “pharmaceutical free” life, or if you have simply landed here on accident, I BEG you….PLEASE go buy my book!  And if you could share this and BEG all the people you have ever met in you entire life to buy a copy as well, that would be super great!

Hopefully, I will have WAY more to share shortly – once my book goes big and I get someone to produce my “oh so brilliant” Netflix idea:)




**This is my personal blog and all opinions are my own.  I am not a doctor, nor do I play one here on my blog. The content here is for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of medical professionals.  Be sure to contact your doctor before trying any new medications/vitamins/supplements, physical activities or therapies **