Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Traveling With An Invisible Disease

Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Traveling With An Invisible Disease

Smiles and laughter are infectious!  People are drawn to other people that seem genuinely happy, who seem to be loving life.  Because ultimately ALL of us want that, to be happy and to love life.   This past week we traveled to Syracuse New York, which REALLY is...
What I Owe To My MS: Continuing To Be Strong & Grateful

What I Owe To My MS: Continuing To Be Strong & Grateful

I had the honor once again to be a guest on the Brain Injury Radio show Mess With MS; hosted by Lisa Dryer on Saturday night.  Although I have yet to sit and listen back to myself (I am sure there are plenty of rambling moments) I did want to share just how much I...

OH SHIT…NOT Again! What Classifies A Fall As A “Good” Fall?

Hey all…back from my “winter break with the kids/parents visiting from out of town visit” hiatus.  I have good news and bad news.  The BAD NEWS is that I had a pretty bad fall.  Knees and palms were pretty shredded up, I may have a fucked up wrist...
Another Year with MS – Being A Strong Motherfucker & Living Out My Dream

Another Year with MS – Being A Strong Motherfucker & Living Out My Dream

My life has changed SO much in the past 10 years, when I sit down and spend any time thinking about it, it really is mind blowing. When I was first diagnosed with MS – I was blessed to have a doctor that seems to have understood who I am and how I deal with...

FUCK! I’ve Fallen & I’m Not Sure I Want To Get Up!

    I’m lying in the pouring rain, covered in shattered glass, wine and blood; unable to get up because my legs have gone paralyzed.  All I can do is laugh; the body shaking, eyes watering up type of laughter.  As hard as I try, I cannot get back up.  I keep...

THANKFUL For That Which Makes Me Strong – How MS Made Me Stronger

I AM STRONG!    Always have been, and hopefully always will be.   I didn’t choose to get this disease; I’m pretty sure no one did (or any other disease for that matter.)  When I was confronted with the truth, for the real reason that first my foot...