MS & Cannabis: Recipe for My Medicated Smoothie

MS & Cannabis: Recipe for My Medicated Smoothie

I will strive to improve upon my future actions…. As promised, I am here, again, this week!  I am striving to get better about being HERE more, because I am slowly realizing that THIS is something that I should hold in much higher regard than I do.  This blog...
Living With MS: A Constant Balancing Act

Living With MS: A Constant Balancing Act

I’m here….I swear I am here and I am thinking about my blog and all the things that I want to do all the time when we are traveling and I am pimping out my book. I want to write articles telling all about what I have learned over the past two years.  Here...
Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Making My Health My Top Priority

Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Making My Health My Top Priority

As I shared in last weeks post – it’s been a whirlwind year of achievements, accomplishments, and activities.  I am back to doing things that I honestly didn’t think I would ever do again.  I am feeling relatively healthy, strong, and somewhat...