Today I cried. It was the snots running from my nose, ugly face type of cry. I was mid-walk, it was 36 degrees and pouring rain. I was at the top of the biggest hill on my neighborhood walk, just yards from Shawn’s ex-wife’s house and instead of feeling strong and accomplished like I usually do, I was bawling my eyes out and smearing snots and rain all over my face.
I would love to say that I had some moving or miraculous epiphany while hefting my ass up the hill. I would like the story to be that I was moved to tears by some heartfelt memory my mind dredged up while hoofing my way through the remaining mounds of snow, seeking the summit of my residential peak. But truthfully, the reason for my tears was far less poetic. The reason for the waterworks was a simple text…
But it’s worse than that. It wasn’t the contents of the text that upset me. It wasn’t the words that I read that had me blabbering like an idiot. It was not being able to actually read the text that led to my public display of pathetic-ness.
Just prior to reaching to top of the hill, my phone had pinged, indicating the arrival of a new text message. I was waiting for a message from my youngest child – my “little peanut.” He was going to let me know when he was wrapping up at the gym, which would signal the end of the walk and would require me to hightail it home to then go and retrieve him from the gym.
But I get random texts from places like Joanne Fabrics, Papa Murphys’s and The Joint (a dispensary in Colorado, that I will probably never visit again.). I needed to know if I was being offered a deal on a skein, pie or strain or if I was being called in for momma duty.
As I struggled to keep the dogs from pulling, while trying to shield my phone from the incessant rain, I looked down at my phone and realized that I couldn’t read a single thing on the screen. No matter how close to, or far from my face I held the phone, I couldn’t decipher anything I was looking at.
I simply needed to read the text, but I couldn’t.
I NEEDED to know who the text was from.
I NEEDED to know if I needed to end my walk and head home.
I NEEDED to know if my “little peanut” needed his momma.
But I couldn’t read the text
– because my MS fucks with me.
So I cried.
Having vision issues isn’t anything new. My vision comes and goes throughout my day. If I become even slightly exerted, my vision goes in the toilet. It’s not that I can’t see- I can see things, I just can’t focus on them. What I see is blurry and cloudy. As I have always explained it to my kids…
“If there is someone walking in the crosswalk, I can SEE that there is someone walking, I just haven’t a clue whether it is a child or adult, male or female, I just see the figure.”
It’s been like this for years and I’ve just learned to make adjustments.
When I say it out loud, it sounds crazy. When I describe it to Shawn, he wonders how the hell I manage to make it anywhere in my blurred and cloudy world. But I have learned to work around it and for the most part, it doesn’t interrupt my daily life.
It is annoying as shit and can lead to some killer headaches if I strain and try and focus for too long (for instance, long-distance driving KILLS me.). But up until recently, this “feature” seemed to only affect my distance vision. The great big world outside would be blurry and cloudy, but my inside world, the close-up activities like cooking, typing, reading, knitting, texting- have been spared this messed up symptom.
But once again, my disease has decided to take something that is already incredibly fucked up – and make it even MORE fucked up.
It seems that now my close up vision is affected and it seems that means I can’t read my texts while out on my walk.
I didn’t know if my “little peanut” needed his momma.
So I cried.
I know in the grand scheme of things, not being able to read my text messages for a short period of time may not seem like that big of a deal, and before it is suggested – yes I am aware that I can change the font size of my text to be some hideously humongous size so that nothing baring complete blindness will leave me wondering if my little peanut has texted – but for me, today – I just wasn’t ready to accept this new “thing.”
I didn’t want to add to the list of things this disease has over me.
I hate adding things to the list.
I like removing things from the list.
I have been working REALLY hard to shorten my list; to have this disease affect my daily life less.
Tomorrow I will set out to continue to shrink the carbon print this disease has on my life.
Tomorrow, I will figure out a way around this new hurdle.
Today, I will allow myself to be angry, sad and frustrated.
**This is my personal blog and all opinions are my own. I am not a doctor, nor do I play one here on my blog. The content here is for informational and entertainment purposes only and is solely intended to inform people of what is working for my body and my disease. Everyone is different and everyone needs to go on their own journey with this disease. THIS IS MY JOURNEY**
I know where you’re coming from, and I wish you well on your hard fought journey with MS. I’ve had similar experiences where another MS symptom robs my life of something else. But it sounds like you have a strong support system like I do, and that will help take you through this crazy journey!
I’m having trouble with eye-focus as well. Here’s the thing, though: the eye doctor can’t seem to detect my focus problems in his eye tests. I try to describe my problem, and I kind of get a blank look from him. Does your focus problem(s) make themselves apparent to your eye doc, or are you like me and (s)he can’t seem to “measure” any apparent problem?
To be honest, I have never had my doctor try and measure or capture my vision going to crap. It comes and goes during the day – depending on my activity levels (translation – if I am out and about in the world, it is likely that my vision has gone to shit) BUT what I experience does NOT seem to strike me as something that corrective lenses or contacts could correct, otherwise I guess I would have asked the dr about it. The blurry/cloudy vision I experience is very different than the blurry I get from not wearing my prescription glasses – not sure how to explain how that is – it just is?
Oh this wonderful, fantastical disease:)
Oh Meg how I sympathize, I’ve just gotten varifocal glasses and sunglasses as my eyes seemed happier when wearing glasses. But even doing that I’m having to wear my sunglasses even in room with no light and screen on tablet as low as possible.
Between that and prolapsed discs in my neck affecting my hands and arms, I’m getting pissed off at not being able to play at my drafts.
But like all things it will ease, or something else will become more annoying.
At least we can’t say this disease is boring.
🙂 As I was working on this post last night Shawn said “you know, it’s kinda lucky that you have MS – it gives you a lot of material to write about” and he is absolutely right! Living with this disease and trying to put into words all the crazy ass shit that goes on in my mind and body has become my mission in life:)
As with everything else this disease throws at me, I will figure out a way around this – just needed to bitch for a moment:)
And don’t even get me started on GLASSES – that is a whole other post for another day:)
I get the need to bitch ???.
Yes the glasses thing well need different pair for every different minute of your day ???.
When I get weird looks when in a bar or restaurant wearing dark glasses, I just say I’m an aged rock goddess in disguise.
Aged rock goddess…got it 🙂
Your post came just when needed. It does not have to be a snotty cold,rainy day to have your eyes go all wonky. I noticed yesterday my vision seemed a little” off”. Checked my contacts to make sure they were in the right eyes and hoped today would yield clear sight after a good nights sleep. Not happening. Today in 80* as I sat in the car looking at a magazine, blinking one eye after the other hoping that I put the wrong lens in the wrong eye I finally admitted to myself what I already knew but did not want to accept. That nudge to let you know it’s still there, checking in to see if you are on your toes,we are always looking ourselves over, taking inventory It’s not the first time nor will it be the last. I summed it up like you did. Everyday is a challenge. Just when you think you have scratched something off the never ending list of “MSists” you get the reminder that it’s the gift lol that keeps on giving. I sometimes wonder if we could bottle all of MSers energy together to get through all our days, we could rule the world and find a cure. Then it would be Peanuts for everyone!
I can’t tell you how many times I have asked Shawn to clean my glasses, only to discover that it is my EYES that are “smudged” NOT my glasses:)
Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing!!!!