by Meg | Jan 2, 2019 | Books about MS, CBD & MS, CBD & Multiple Sclerosis, constipation, Diet and MS, Exercise and MS, MMJ & Multiple Sclerosis, MMJ Education, MS & CBD Oil, MS & Marijuana, MS and cigarettes, Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis
Happy New Year!!!!!! It is officially 2019 and I am so freaking excited about what is in store for us in the next year! To be honest, It is hard to believe it is January 1st, 2019. It’s hard to imagine that another year has gone by. But in reflection,...
by Meg | Nov 19, 2018 | Book, Books about MS, Cannabis Resources, CBD, CBD & Chronic Illness, CBD & MS, CBD & Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Illness & Cannabis, Chronic pain, Chronic Pain & Cannabis, dealing with disease, living with a disease, living with MS, Medical Marijuana & Pain, MMJ & Multiple Sclerosis, MS, Multiple Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis
Really, it should not come as a shock to anyone that lives with MS to hear that the week my book, Segway Into My New Life: A Story of Diagnosis, finally came out on Amazon – my MS decided to throw a temper tantrum and go into a flare. BUT – thanks to my...
by Meg | Oct 25, 2018 | Books about MS, CBD & Multiple Sclerosis, dealing with disease, living with a disease, Living with Chronic Illness, living with MS, MS, MS Awareness, Multiple Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis & the Future, Uncategorized
HOLY SHIT!!! I am a published author – or maybe I have to wait for someone to actually buy a copy to officially call myself a writer?!?!?!? CLICK HERE TO VIEW AND PURCHASE MY BOOK ON AMAZON I am freaking out and feeling proud all at the same time –...
by Meg | Sep 26, 2018 | CBD & Multiple Sclerosis, Medical Marijuana & MS, Medical Marijuana & Pain, MMJ & Multiple Sclerosis, MS & CBD Oil, MS & Marijuana, Multiple Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis, Uncategorized
Have you been looking for me? I didn’t mean to disappear. I didn’t mean to go MIA. I didn’t mean to go silent and stop sharing my story. In my defense, I didn’t REALLY AND COMPLETELY shut-up. I have continued to document my MMJ adventures over on my Instagram...
by Meg | Apr 24, 2018 | CBD, CBD & Chronic Illness, CBD & MS, CBD & Multiple Sclerosis, HEMP CBD, Uncategorized
I finally got the answer to the question: Will CBD derived from hemp (and not cannabis) help? From the very start of my journey with cannabis, and as I have tried to help others find relief, one of the questions that I have dreaded most was when others, in...