My oldest child made me cry this past week. To be fair, he didn’t do anything intentional to initiate what I am now referring to as my “leaky eye syndrome.” These days, just about anything can set my waterworks off. I have read it happens to other people with MS – good to know I am not alone, but that doesn’t help the fact that I can be standing in the middle of the grocery store, and find myself bawling eyes out. Let me assure you, this does NOT help with my never ending attempt at trying to look like I have my shit together.
Crazy lady crying in aisle 6!
He sent me a text that read:
SON: I saw your Instagram video!
SON: That’s amazing
ME: Which one?
SON: The one of you balancing on one foot!!! I’m very proud of you.
This was promptly followed by:
ME: Thanks. Now I’m crying
SON: Is that the first time you have been able to balance on one foot without something to grab?
ME: No I have been able to do it on my left foot for a month or two but first time on my right since dx
SON: That’s great!
ME: I know:)
ME: Cannabis good :).
Backing up a bit- earlier this week, I posted a video to Instagram. In it, I am attempting to balance on my right leg, the one that I have always assumed would be my weakest link. The one that first failed me, twelve years ago as I sat on the beach with my children, trying to make the numb dead feeling in my right foot go away. The one that is always the first to give in and the one that I have not been able to balance on for the past dozen years.
**Technical difficulties note** I’m inserting only the link because I am having a hell of a time getting videos to upload to my YouTube channel, so for the moment, if you are at all interested in watching me teeter and totter like a weeble wobble, then head over and stalk me on IG – I’m all over there at the moment with my awkward and less than successful yoga poses:)**
Ok, sorry for that interruption and slit rant – back to the story already in progress…
That is until recently. It seems that all my random stretching, lunching, lunging and constant movement is beginning to have noticeable results. For the first time in years, I am able to balance on one foot and not just any foot – my right foot! This isn’t something that happened overnight. I have been working on it – every day for the past few months. I started out with baby steps – just lifting the other foot up ever so slightly, to using a chair initially to get my foot into my hand and my leg stretched backward and then letting go and balancing.
The video I posted to IG was the first day that I managed to achieve it without the aid of the chair and was able to hold and balance the stretch – on my RIGHT LEG!!!!
I posted, and my son texted me and I cried.
That simple exchange, that small acknowledgement from someone that I I personally know to be one of the biggest no bullshit, no excuses, get shit done people out there meant a lot My own child, who spends hours and hours every single day, not only lifting crazy ass amounts of weights but also planning to lift those weights. There is food to be consumed, supplements to be downed, yoga and stretching are mandatory for success as is mental preparedness. Being in the right frame of mind is essential for advancement.
He tracks his programs. He researches and learns how to maximize his strength. He is into the scientific side of things and he can totally geek out about his training, his methods, and his beliefs.
He is strong. It is what he does, and he works his ass off doing it.
I am proud of him.
So to have him see my post on IG and for him to know how huge it is for me to finally be able to balance on this stupid foot/leg that I had written off so long ago really struck a chord with me. My preparations, my actions, and my achievements may not be big and grandiose like what my boys pull off but his words made me realize that I work just as hard – in my own ways to be as strong as I can and it feels really great to have him acknowledge that!
It’s like I’m one of the boys?!?!?!?
Or just their momma:) But whatever or whoever I am, I am going to keep at this whole “trying to really do this yoga thing” thing. If I am able to manage this balancing act in just a few short months, imagine what I could be doing a year from now!!!
Sending good vibes for a great week!
**This is my personal blog and all opinions are my own. I am not a doctor, nor do I play one here on my blog. The content here is for informational and entertainment purposes only and is solely intended to inform people of what is working for my body and my disease. Everyone is different and everyone needs to go on their own journey with this disease. THIS IS MY JOURNEY**