I’m here….I swear I am here and I am thinking about my blog and all the things that I want to do all the time when we are traveling and I am pimping out my book. I want to write articles telling all about what I have learned over the past two years. Here it is – put good shit in your body, avoid the bad whenever possible and move your body in any and all ways possible (as much as possible.) Explore and appreciate nature and the good things you have in your life, avoid stress and find ways to enjoy your life.
Problem solved!
You are welcome!
But there is a whole lot of truth in the old saying
I want to find the time to thoroughly and effectively document what we have been up to. We have learned so much in the past year and I want to share what we are doing, what I have tried, what is working and what is not. I want to write it all out. I want to provide you with a solid and trusted source of information to help you make the decisions that will be right fit for your body. There are so many great things we are learning. So many good stories. So many adventures we have been on, people we have met, experiences we have had that are beautiful stories in my mind, just dying to be put onto paper because in those stories are the golden nuggets of information that I’ve learned that are helping me find the things that my body and my MS need. From finding a chiropractor that is kinda quack, but has this great back thing that is helping, to Shawn’s #dorksoulmate Jimmie Faye, who we met at the grow expo in Colorado, who gave me an amazing CBD salve from her company I have been loving, the stories need to come out, people need to be thanked for their kindnesses and I need to tell you about the things that I am learning.
So many good people, so much information and so many stories to be told!
We are working on trying new things – using different platforms You-Tube channel here,Check it out and give us feedback! We would really appreciate it!
I know this is a bit of a departure from my usual writings, which are more of a me focused theme – which I’d like to say is because of my disease but I know Shawn would argue with me on that:) But I am talking about we/us more because WE are actually DOING something together to try and actively help me with my disease, We are making lifestyle changes, learning to grow and actively making our lives healthier – YEAH ORGANIC – and yes I know I am late to the game but hell, have you seen the size of the boys that I feed. Buying organic ON TOP of my already high pot bills – would have for sure put us on food stamps, which would have KILLED the boys aspirations to be really fucking strong, so I never honestly THOUGHT about organic until I began really looking at what I am putting in my body and the idea of chemicals made me shudder (ironic given my willingness to put drugs into my body without ever really questioning in my early years with this disease.) WE are going to conventions together and attending industry parties to try and make connections and learn as much as we can about cannabis and how to grow the best medicine that we possibly can.
Our goal is to put together content that is informative and entertaining – to try and educate people about cannabis as a legitimate medicine with legitimate medicinal benefits. I am living proof of how it can help and in a fun and informative way we are trying to de-stigmatize cannabis! Allowing people to see into our lives, me successfully living my life as a mom, wife, dog-rescuer, writer, cannabis educator, and long time MS advocate. Letting the world in on all the crazy things that happen as a result of being a disabled parent of five “almost grown ups” – 2 that are really scarily strong, one of which is a cop and 2 that don’t come around much,while trying to raise two completely bat shit crazy rescue dogs, while living with all the other crazy shit my disease doles out, letting the world see that I consume cannabis copiously to medicate throughout the day and still cope, would allow people to see that my use of cannabis is no different than using the pain medications that were prescribed to me for so many years as far as my ability to function and be a contributing member of society. I am not high or stoned. I am medicated and being medicated allows me to finally get shit done. Contrary to the familiar heckle from across the room of “Head up – 420- Blazing – mom’s getting high” from one of my lug-heads, I’m not. I am getting medicated.
We are really just normal people trying to deal with a disease that is in all honesty really annoying (just in case you hadn’t heard) As we navigate life with “Arty” the autistic child I imagine lives in my head to explain my fog, and I continue to do things like place 20th in a fishing derby, or complete a six mile hike and I consume my cannabis each step of the way – I want to share what it is that I am capable of doing now that I have cannabis in my life. It is certainly NOT the only thing that has made me better, BUT it has helped me realize and stick to all the other steps I took to this healthier me and some of the other things – like my chronic yoga videos with Shawn teasing me in the background can be mildly entertaining – if you like 50 yr old guy humor:)
I am actively changing things up to try and ensure that I succeed in sharing my journey because I believe there is value in what I have learned. I have made physical changes around the house. Beyond the massive purging I did over the past few months, I have finally declared my spot, an office of my very own. Although it seems to be shrinking as some of the girls (aka my pot plants) had to move up to the closet after we tripped the breaker one too many times downstairs. I am taking this writing/blogging thing seriously. I want to share my story and I want to be able to help others that have this stupid disease try and find the relief and the happiness that I have found.
But it’s a balancing act – because I have to continue to do ALL of the things that I am doing that are making me feel better ALL the time.
I need to have my #garbagesmoothie, EVERY DAY
I need to do my stretching and yoga a lot, EVERY DAY
I need to go for my #cannabispowered walks, EVERY DAY
I need to eat only healthy foods that don’t create gut problems, EVERY DAY
I need to remember to take all my vitamins and supplements EVERY DAY
I need to stay hydrated (while not drinking too much that I pee my pants) EVERY DAY
I need to allow myself downtime (mediation) with little to no stimulation – EVERY DAY
I need to continue to check under the hood and do things like go to the dentist, get a physical, a Pap smear, a mammogram and a colonoscopy.
I need to gain a solid sense of the damages. I want to know what I am working with going forward.
I need to continue to be proactive about developing a team of caregivers. Finding people that know me, my story and my version of this disease that will work with me on my journey going forward (I’m thinking massage therapy and acupuncture are next)
I need to continue to medicate with cannabis & CBD as consistently as I can EVERY DAY. I have learned yo-yo-ing with the pain is exhausting and quite honestly, it sucks.
I need to continue to find natural ways to help and heal my body and then actually DO them on a consistent and regular basis. Whether it is taking a new supplement, a new stretch or exercise the physical therapist or chiropractor suggested or a new way for me to successfully hack this disease, IF it helps, then I need to do it – EVERY DAY!
I have finally figured out this “trying to get better” thing, here is what is being served up…..
Main Course
Followed by
Finishied off with a solid dash of
BUT all of these things take time – walking and stretching while fitting in an appointment or two can leave little of the day for anything else. Add to that the fact that we are now traveling (we went to Colorado to attend the cannabis growers convention and plan to continue to do more of it. I have been thinking a visit to my home town in Connecticut is long overdue, plus there have to be a few people there willing to buy my book;) I find myself struggling to find time to write about all the amazing shit that we are doing and learning. I struggle to find time to pimp out my book. Sales are that impressive:(
(that is currently not that impressive given withdrawals to fund growing needs:)
We are always off to do something else because THAT is what is making me better. Actually doing the shit that we have wanted to do. The crap that we sat on the couch and TALKED about doing. EVERY DAY that I walk, I am walking to be strong enough to go hiking and fishing, because that is what we talked about. We are simply making it happen and that feels amazing and those feels sure do a hell of a lot to squelch a lot of this whole MS crap. My mind is “otherwise occupied” – abuzz with thoughts and ideas, stories and goals. I’m actually doing shit – despite this disease being a constant and chronic pain in the ass.
Life is good!
I remember and FULLY APPRECIATE that often through out my day –
So with this new “corporate couple” thing we got going on (said with a big belly laugh) and all of our #mmjadventures,I struggle to find balance and time. It’s a vicious cycle, but given the fact that I often struggled to come up with content to write about back in the days of the really bad pain, I am not complaining. Just making adaptations and changes to ensure that I can, in fact, get it all done. My goal is to stay healthy and still be able to share! I mentioned my office – having my own space with things that remind me of just how far I have come does a great job of grounding me and getting me to focus on viable writing topics. But often times, my creative juices are at their height when we are in the truck, on our way home from an adventure.
The experiences are new and fresh in my mind. I will be buzzing with good vibes and words to write and the physical act of putting pen to paper (my preferred means of writing on the road) is not that effective on the bumpy backroads of the great Pacific Northwest. I have journals filled with less than coherent scribbles from my road trip writing.
So I did some research, thought an inexpensive 2-in-1 (laptop and tablet hybrid) might work. Realized it wasn’t going to work within 5 minutes of the sun setting the first night we were in the truck with it when I discovered it didn’t have a lit up keyboard (honestly NOT something I would think to look for??) So in the midst of our trip to Colorado, I returned it and ordered an iPod (not the new one – I think it’s a 6) with a keyboard. Together I spent under $400 and I figure if it gets me writing here more then it will be worth it. I have a laptop – but at $2400 (or whatever it cost back in the day) it is a pricy thing to lug around.
Getting a new piece of technology is NOT something I get excited about. In fact, it causes me a great deal of anxiety and almost always leads to disappointment. My mind and brain don’t make adjustments well. Adding new things, features, bells and whistles just confuse the hell out of Arty when he is in a fit. So although I generally don’t “DO” new technology and only get a replacement when the one I have are dead or damaged, I am going to give it a solid three weeks before I make any decision. I have learned that I need to give my MS mind (Arty) a bit of time to acclimate to anything new. Given a bit of time I am hoping I will have been able to learn a new thing and to be sharing so much more of what we are doing – since it will be on here rather than in journals under my bed. So many words to share!!!
“Continuing to try and hack the shit out of this crazy ass disease. At the end of the day, I need to simply remember just do it! Whatever the fuck it is that needs to be done, that I am thinking about not being able to do. Just doing it!”
Sending good vibes!
**This is my personal blog and all opinions are my own. I am not a doctor, nor do I play one here on my blog. The content here is for informational and entertainment purposes only and is solely intended to inform people of what is working for my body and my disease. Everyone is different and everyone needs to go on their own journey with this disease. THIS IS MY JOURNEY**