Living With MS: A Constant Balancing Act

Living With MS: A Constant Balancing Act

I’m here….I swear I am here and I am thinking about my blog and all the things that I want to do all the time when we are traveling and I am pimping out my book. I want to write articles telling all about what I have learned over the past two years.  Here...
Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Making My Health My Top Priority

Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Making My Health My Top Priority

As I shared in last weeks post – it’s been a whirlwind year of achievements, accomplishments, and activities.  I am back to doing things that I honestly didn’t think I would ever do again.  I am feeling relatively healthy, strong, and somewhat...
Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: What A Difference A Year Can Make

Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: What A Difference A Year Can Make

One year ago today I was at what I would consider to be my rock bottom.  I had been off of any and all pharmaceutical drugs and using cannabis and cbd for over a year.  I had found a man that loved and cared about me, my kids were happy and healthy and I had even...
Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Traveling With An Invisible Disease

Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Traveling With An Invisible Disease

Smiles and laughter are infectious!  People are drawn to other people that seem genuinely happy, who seem to be loving life.  Because ultimately ALL of us want that, to be happy and to love life.   This past week we traveled to Syracuse New York, which REALLY is...