by Meg | Dec 1, 2018 | Chronic Illness, Chronic pain, constipation, dealing with disease, MS drugs, Tecfidera
Back in 2013, when I began taking Tecfidera, the one and only “side-effect” that I experienced was constipation. Back then- mere months after it had come to market – “constipation” had not yet been listed as a possible side-effect, which meant I was told by both...
by Meg | Nov 19, 2018 | Book, Books about MS, Cannabis Resources, CBD, CBD & Chronic Illness, CBD & MS, CBD & Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Illness & Cannabis, Chronic pain, Chronic Pain & Cannabis, dealing with disease, living with a disease, living with MS, Medical Marijuana & Pain, MMJ & Multiple Sclerosis, MS, Multiple Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis
Really, it should not come as a shock to anyone that lives with MS to hear that the week my book, Segway Into My New Life: A Story of Diagnosis, finally came out on Amazon – my MS decided to throw a temper tantrum and go into a flare. BUT – thanks to my...
by Meg | Aug 17, 2017 | Chronic Illness & Cannabis, Chronic pain, Chronic Pain & Cannabis, Medical Marijuana & MS, MMJ & Multiple Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis, Multiple Sclerosis & Employment, Uncategorized
I had an interview for a job today!!! Whether or not this particular opportunity pans out, I am just excited about finding my place in the cannabis industry. After being laid off at the end of 2015 my chronic pain got so severe that I really believed that I would...
by Meg | Jul 17, 2017 | Being Strong with a disease, Chronic pain, Chronic Pain & Cannabis, divorce, Exercise and MS, living with MS, Multiple Sclerosis & Exercise, single parent, using a cane
Exercise and keeping your body moving can help counter the effects of Multiple Sclerosis, increase energy and balance, ease symptoms and even help with cognitive issues. I think we can all agree that this is known and accepted information? No false news in that...
by Meg | May 23, 2017 | Cannabis & pain, Chronic pain, depression, Disease & Depression, living with MS, Medical Marijuana & Pain, MS & Depression, smile & laugh, Strength to cope with MS, Uncategorized
It’s 7a.m. and I am sitting next to Shawn, both our rods rigged and sent to the bottom of the vast ocean in search of our very first catch on the new boat. The sun has broken over the horizon and revealed that it is going to be a glorious day filled with...
by Meg | Apr 17, 2017 | Cannabis & pain, Cannabis and Menstrual Cycle, Cannabis and your period, Chronic Illness & Cannabis, Chronic pain, Chronic Pain & Cannabis, Medical Marijuana, Medical Marijuana & MS, MMJ & Multiple Sclerosis, MS & Marijuana, Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis, Multiple Sclerosis & pain, Uncategorized
I have continued on my adventure – and have been getting out and doing more and more!!!! We spent Sunday out on the boat – searching for the Easter Bunny. Super Skunk has become a regular part of my daily life and has continued to help. But as with...