Hello! My name is Megan. I am also known as BBH – which stands for BOOBS, BOOTS AND HAIR, a quirky little nickname to reflect that my dis-ease affects all of me, from my head (hair) to my toes (boots) and everywhere in between (boobs.)
After a decade of using pharmaceuticals to try and manage my disease, I found myself 75 lbs overweight and unable to walk my service dog around the block. After months of wallowing on the couch, watching endless hours of tv to try and numb the chronic pain and overwhelming depression that had slipped in as my condition progressed, I made the decision to try naturally managing my health. As I explain in the chapter I contributed to a book titled “Beating Multiple Sclerosis: Empowering Stories of Self Healing and Thriving” I went from relying on prescriptions and infusions to survive to realizing that through diet, exercise, cannabis and other plant based medicines, large doses of nature and other hippy dippy things like grounding and epsom salt soaks, I could not only thrive, but that I could begin healing and repairing my damaged body and brain.
Years ago, when I first started sharing my stories I hoped that maybe they would strike a chord with someone else that lives with this crazy, stupid, mind-boggling disease. I felt if I could provide even one other MSer with that “holy shit, someone else KNOWS what it is like” moment through my written words, then that would give meaning and purpose to all the crazy that goes on in my own mind and body.
But now, I also have hope that by sharing my story of coming off all the prescriptions and using a more natural protocol to manage my health, I might be able to save someone else from going down the same really shitty pharmaceutical path that I did. I hope to help others find their way back from the “pharma fog,” and I hope I can help the world see cannabis for what it is, a plant that heals.
I would love to hear from you!
Whether you have a story to share, a comment or a question- bring it on…