Really, it should not come as a shock to anyone that lives with MS to hear that the week my book, Segway Into My New Life: A Story of Diagnosis, finally came out on Amazon – my MS decided to throw a temper tantrum and go into a flare. BUT – thanks to my new and improved “healthy” life (still have MS – just being kinder to #Arty and my body these days) I am super excited that I seem to have managed to pull out of this flare.  

Although the sheer act of pulling out of a flare is cause for celebration, my excitement stems from how quickly I seemed to be able to reverse what has historically been a long and slow spiral of getting worse for endless weeks before finally and desperately seeking the relief that steroids offered while turning a blind eye to all of the horrible, shitty side-effects that came with the beloved ‘roids – as my kids used to call them.

This time around – it was last Sunday that I realized that I was in a flare. You would THINK that after a dozen years I would have some clue – some sign or secret message, but I can assure you, that is not the case. I am always just as amazed/shocked and surprised as anyone when I am hit with one.  

When I realized that it was more than just a series of bad days strung together I did more than just tell Shawn about it – I reached out to the people that have helped me with my book. The team that I haphazardly put together over the months of trying to see through the fog and get the damn book published. I told them I am in a flare – I warned them that I might disappear – I suggested they might need to run the ship for a bit because usually, that is what happens. A flare hits, and it is batten down the hatches, tie everything off and hunker down to ride out the storm.  

Once I recognized it, I did only one thing differently than what I do every other day. I increased my CBD dose by a gazillion. And yes – I do mean to be a bit invasive when I use that number because what I have learned is that everyone is different – everyone’s MS is different, everyone’s body is different, and everyone needs their own “right amount.” My normal day to day “right amount” would be a couple 100 mg every few hours (depending on day, weather, activities, temp, etc.) so when I say I increased it by a lot, I found a few products that had upwards of 1000 mg and I increased my “right amount” to 1000 mg every few hours.

But buying high-quality products at dispensary prices for my medically needed levels is, and so I only did that for the first day and a half. I had a big dose every 2-4 hours depending on how I was feeling, and then I dropped back down to my normal day “right amount” because that is what I can afford at the moment. To be honest – it kinda sucks that I no longer incur any medical or pharmaceutical charges. I’m not super keen on having any procedures or taking any more prescription medications, and the two things that are providing me with the greatest relief (cannabis & CBD) are not covered by the oh so wonderful benefits package that I married into this past summer. 🙂

Instead of being admitted into an infusion center or incurring the expense of having a traveling nurse come to the house to insert a line for the steroids- I chose to try CBD and it worked/helped/aided in my body managing to shove this flare to the curb a hell of a lot faster than the steroids ever did. It is now Monday – nine days from when I first realized I was having an exacerbation and I’m out of it. Things that always linger and symptoms that usually lurk around long after a flare-up are already beginning to clear up. I’m not 100%, but I’m not far off. To be honest, if I could have afforded it I would have taken a shit ton more CBD during the first 2-3 days – I could feel my body craving it, and at the risk of sounding like a hippie (something my kids tease me about on occasion) I have learned the value of actually LISTENING to my body.    

Honestly – there was a time that I could not imagine facing a flare up without my steroids. Now I can’t imagine allowing steroids in my body. There was a time that I could not imagine having a disease like MS – because really how can you imagine this shit? I didn’t think I would ever be labeled as “disabled” or “diseased,” and now both are a vital part of who I am and what I am doing with my life.

Just goes to show – things change, we grow, learn and we adapt.

So just as I believed with all my heart that I was making the right decisions as I tried drug after drug to ward off the progression of the disease during my first years – I now believe that what I am doing for my body is the right thing for everyone involved. This most recent “flare-episode” and the fact that I am already feeling better is proof enough for me that my body and my MS need CBD. I am appreciating that it was so short-lived because no matter how prepared I think I am, no matter how hard I work to be strong, courageous and physically fit, the cold hard truth is that a flare can knock me on my ass and it can leave me there scrambling to get back to “normal” for weeks on end.

So to have this one passing on by after just a few short days is truly wonderful. Plus really, I don’t have time for bullshit flares —-I wrote a freaking book and I am supposed to be on this whirlwind of crazed pimping to get the word out about my book.


Sending good vibes,



**This is my personal blog and all opinions are my own.  I am not a doctor, nor do I play one here on my blog. The content here is for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of medical professionals.  Be sure to contact your doctor before trying any new medications/vitamins/supplements, physical activities or therapies **