by Meg | Jan 9, 2019 | Chronic Illness & Cannabis, living with a disease, living with MS, Medical Marijuana & MS, MMJ Education, MS & Marijuana, Multiple Sclerosis & Alternative Medicine, Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis, Multiple Sclerosis & Cannibis, Multiple Sclerosis & Exercise, Multiple Sclerosis & Natural Healing, Multiple Sclerosis & Positive Attitude, Uncategorized
As I shared in last weeks post – it’s been a whirlwind year of achievements, accomplishments, and activities. I am back to doing things that I honestly didn’t think I would ever do again. I am feeling relatively healthy, strong, and somewhat...
by Meg | Jan 2, 2019 | Books about MS, CBD & MS, CBD & Multiple Sclerosis, constipation, Diet and MS, Exercise and MS, MMJ & Multiple Sclerosis, MMJ Education, MS & CBD Oil, MS & Marijuana, MS and cigarettes, Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis
Happy New Year!!!!!! It is officially 2019 and I am so freaking excited about what is in store for us in the next year! To be honest, It is hard to believe it is January 1st, 2019. It’s hard to imagine that another year has gone by. But in reflection,...
by Meg | Oct 2, 2017 | Chronic Illness & Cannabis, Chronic Pain & Cannabis, Medical Marijuana, Medical Marijuana & MS, Medical Marijuana Research, MMJ Education, Multiple Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis, Uncategorized
A lot has happened in the year since I began to learn about cannabis in the hopes of finding relief for my chronic pain. I see more and more mainstream media platforms, like the Today Show, running stories about medical marijuana. I run into more mentions on social...
by Meg | Sep 20, 2017 | Cannabis & pain, Cannabis Resources, Chronic Illness & Cannabis, Chronic Pain & Cannabis, Medical Marijuana, Medical Marijuana & MS, Medical Marijuana & Pain, MMJ & Multiple Sclerosis, MMJ Education, Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis, Uncategorized
A year ago this time, I was weaning myself off all of the medications that I had been prescribed by my doctors. It took me blowing up like a balloon while on one of the pain medications and realizing that the new “bigger-version” of me was still in insane amounts of...