Well guys – we have officially gone and done it!   We have purchased a 5 acre piece of property in Sedro Wooley Washington and are currently working on fixing it up.  The plan is  to open a high-end cannabis friendly event facility (think of me as the PNW’s Martha Stewart of Cannabis) where we can host weddings, reunions, corporate and holiday parties, music festivals and more.  The hope is that this side of the buisness will generate enough money to fund “campers” coming to stay with us to learn about how to grow, prepare and consume cannabis and cbd, along with the other lifestyle changes I have incorporated into my life over the past three years.

My absence from here over the past months means that unless you have been following along on one of my other social media platforms, this may come as a complete surprise, and might seem too good to be true, but let me assure you, it is as true as it gets and it is even more magical than the pictures and videos portray.  It is a slice of heaven on earth, and it is ours and we are going to be able to share it with the world, while educating people about cannabis in a relaxed and natural environment AND we are hopefully going to be able to help others learn how to grow their OWN organic medicines!  My hope is that concerns about quality and supply can  become a thing of the past as people begin to grow their own.  Becoming “self-sufficient” in terms of what I eat and what I take for my MS has become more and more important to me as I continue to heal.  I am no longer willing to take risks as to what I am putting in my body.  I’ll be damned if I am going to put any more toxins or chemicals in my already damaged body.


So many different things to share – HOPING that you have been following elsewhere (my IG, Shawn’s IG and our you tube channel and podcast- Weeding Through Life are probably the best way to keep up on our day to day activities.)  As our lives get busier and my issues with my vision and screen time continue to be a hurdle – I will do my damnedest to figure out ways around the vision and brain fog that hits when I am confronted with too much information (which the internet manages to do to me every single time these days.)  I’ve spent a bit of time re-visiting old posts – things I have no recollection of ever writing and i am so thankful that I have this journal – documenting this crazy ass ride I have been on since hearing the words “You have MS” almost thirteen years ago.


In the meantime – head on over to EVERYDAY HEALTH – where my latest article went live this morning.

My Dream of Teaching Others About the Power of Cannabis

Has Begun to Take Shape

It is a great overview of our visions for the property and the camp along with the wonderful story of how we got ourselves a Lucy.  #everyoneneedsalucy


**This is my personal blog and all opinions are my own.  I am not a doctor, nor do I play one here on my blog. The content here is for informational and entertainment purposes only and is solely intended to inform people of what is working for my body and my disease.  Everyone is different and everyone needs to go on their own journey with this disease.   THIS IS MY JOURNEY**