Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Story of Vision Problems

Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Story of Vision Problems

This past weekend, as I continue to try and heal from my flu/flare-up, we decided that it would be good for me to get out of the house, out of the city.  It was a beautiful day and we set out on a drive, heading towards the mountains.  We had a vague idea that we...
Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Big Life Changes

Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Big Life Changes

I proposed to Shawn.  He said “YES!”  Yes, that’s right – I asked HIM.  Not in an attempt to be unconventional or different, but because as I have felt better thanks to the relief that cannabis is providing me I have come to realize that I WANT to marry...
Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Why Was I So Scared to Try Cannabis?

Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Why Was I So Scared to Try Cannabis?

I am nearing my one year anniversary…of my first experience with using cannabis to help with the chronic pain that comes with my MS.  As I look back over the past year, and I recall just how intimidated I was at the start of this journey, I’m feeling proud of what I...