by Meg | Nov 19, 2018 | Book, Books about MS, Cannabis Resources, CBD, CBD & Chronic Illness, CBD & MS, CBD & Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Illness & Cannabis, Chronic pain, Chronic Pain & Cannabis, dealing with disease, living with a disease, living with MS, Medical Marijuana & Pain, MMJ & Multiple Sclerosis, MS, Multiple Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis
Really, it should not come as a shock to anyone that lives with MS to hear that the week my book, Segway Into My New Life: A Story of Diagnosis, finally came out on Amazon – my MS decided to throw a temper tantrum and go into a flare. BUT – thanks to my...
by Meg | Oct 18, 2018 | Chronic Pain & Cannabis, dealing with disease, Disease & Depression, Living with Chronic Illness, MS & Depression, MS & Mental Health, MS Flair, Multiple Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis, Multiple Sclerosis & Positive Attitude, Multiple Sclerosis & the Future, Multiple Sclerosis and Smoking, Uncategorized
One year ago today I was at what I would consider to be my rock bottom. I had been off of any and all pharmaceutical drugs and using cannabis and cbd for over a year. I had found a man that loved and cared about me, my kids were happy and healthy and I had even...
by Meg | Apr 2, 2018 | Chronic Illness & Cannabis, Chronic Pain & Cannabis, Medical Marijuana & MS, Medical Marijuana & Pain, MMJ & Multiple Sclerosis, MS & Altered Sensations, Multiple Sclerosis & Altered Sensations, Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis, Multiple Sclerosis & pain, Multiple Sclerosis & Terpenes, Uncategorized
Last night I felt the most wonderfully annoying thing! As I climbed into bed and struggled to stake my claim in the ever-changing game of bed-real estate we play with the dogs each night I noticed SOMETHING. Or more accurately, I FELT something. I FELT the...
by Meg | Mar 14, 2018 | Chronic Illness & Cannabis, Chronic Pain & Cannabis, Medical Marijuana & MS, MMJ & Multiple Sclerosis, MS and Sexual dysfunction, Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis, Multiple Sclerosis & Sexual Dysfunction, Problems with Sex and MS, Uncategorized
Over the past few months, as I have continued to find relief using cannabis, I have continued to try and learn as much as I can about it, and about how it is helping me. I have had the opportunity to talk with a number of other MSers in an attempt to help educate...
by Meg | Mar 1, 2018 | Chronic Pain & Cannabis, Medical Marijuana & MS, MMJ & Multiple Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis, Multiple Sclerosis & pain, Uncategorized
I’ve learned a lot about cannabis over the past 18 months. I may not be the most seasoned consumer and I may not know how to dab or rip a bong hit but what I do know is how much this plant has genuinely helped me. In the late summer of 2016, when the pain...
by Meg | Feb 20, 2018 | Chronic Illness & Cannabis, Chronic Pain & Cannabis, constipation, disease modifying drug, DMD, Medical Marijuana & MS, Medical Marijuana & Pain, MMJ & Multiple Sclerosis, MS & Marijuana, MS drugs, Multiple Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis, Uncategorized
This is what I want the world to know: I use marijuana….all day….EVERY day. I am a 47-year-old, disabled, divorced, soon to be re-married mom of three “almost adults” living with a chronic illness and cannabis has given me my life back!!! I was...
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