Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Why Was I So Scared to Try Cannabis?

Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Why Was I So Scared to Try Cannabis?

I am nearing my one year anniversary…of my first experience with using cannabis to help with the chronic pain that comes with my MS.  As I look back over the past year, and I recall just how intimidated I was at the start of this journey, I’m feeling proud of what I...
Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Research Is Needed – Please Sign

Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Research Is Needed – Please Sign

A lot has happened in the year since I began to learn about cannabis in the hopes of finding relief for my chronic pain.  I see more and more mainstream media platforms, like the Today Show, running stories about medical marijuana.  I run into more mentions on social...
Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Things I Have Learned

Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Things I Have Learned

A year ago this time, I was weaning myself off all of the medications that I had been prescribed by my doctors.  It took me blowing up like a balloon while on one of the pain medications and realizing that the new “bigger-version” of me was still in insane amounts of...
Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Continuing On My Adventures

Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Continuing On My Adventures

  I have always had a fascination with Tug Boats – they help other boats that are in need.  “Tugs move vessels that either should not move by themselves…or those that cannot move by themselves…” Cannabis is my tugboat. It is helping me navigate the...
Multiple Sclerosis & Marijuana: How Cannabis Has Helped Me

Multiple Sclerosis & Marijuana: How Cannabis Has Helped Me

It’s been just over seven months since I first stepped into a local cannabis shop (The Evergreen Market) and I started trying different cannabis products to find relief from the chronic pain that had hijacked my life and left me just simply trying to survive each day....