by Meg | Jan 2, 2019 | Books about MS, CBD & MS, CBD & Multiple Sclerosis, constipation, Diet and MS, Exercise and MS, MMJ & Multiple Sclerosis, MMJ Education, MS & CBD Oil, MS & Marijuana, MS and cigarettes, Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis
Happy New Year!!!!!! It is officially 2019 and I am so freaking excited about what is in store for us in the next year! To be honest, It is hard to believe it is January 1st, 2019. It’s hard to imagine that another year has gone by. But in reflection,...
by Meg | Jan 2, 2018 | cannabis and quitting cigarettes, Chronic Illness & Cannabis, embarrassing moments, MMJ & Multiple Sclerosis, MS and cigarettes, Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis, Multiple Sclerosis and Smoking, Uncategorized
I am a smoker. It is the single most embarrassing thing I can tell you about myself. This is the hardest post I have ever written. It is something that I hate and abhor…and yet i still do it. At one point I have to believe it offered some sense of relaxation...