by Meg | Jul 17, 2017 | Being Strong with a disease, Chronic pain, Chronic Pain & Cannabis, divorce, Exercise and MS, living with MS, Multiple Sclerosis & Exercise, single parent, using a cane
Exercise and keeping your body moving can help counter the effects of Multiple Sclerosis, increase energy and balance, ease symptoms and even help with cognitive issues. I think we can all agree that this is known and accepted information? No false news in that...
by Meg | Jan 9, 2017 | Disease & Divorce, Disease & Stress, divorce, living with a disease, living with MS, Multiple Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis & Employment, Multiple Sclerosis & the Future, Uncategorized
Last year I explained that I don’t DO New Year’s resolutions but professed my intent to continue to be a “Strong Motherfucker.” Overall I think I achieved that goal, but I still need to make changes to my life particularly because I am...
by Meg | Sep 21, 2016 | Disease & Divorce, divorce, Follow Your Dream, living with MS, MS & Divorce, single parent
“Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes but when we look back everything is different” -C.S. Lewis In 2007 my life changed forever when I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. In 2011 I went through another big change, when I got a divorce. Since...
by Meg | Apr 11, 2014 | confidence, constipation, divorce, embarrassing moments, embarrassing moments, living with a disease, MS, MS and Sexual dysfunction, MS drugs, Multiple Sclerosis, Problems with Sex and MS, sex, sex and ms, Tecfidera, Uncategorized
For those that have been waiting/looking for an update about my experiences with Tecfidera, I DID finally remember to write one! Truthfully part of the lack of writing about it, is there isn’t that much to say, it’s been going pretty well, but hit the end...
by Meg | Nov 29, 2013 | Being Strong with a disease, dealing with disease, divorce, living with a disease, living with MS, MS, Multiple Sclerosis, positive attitude, Strength to cope with MS, Uncategorized, why me?
I AM STRONG! Always have been, and hopefully always will be. I didn’t choose to get this disease; I’m pretty sure no one did (or any other disease for that matter.) When I was confronted with the truth, for the real reason that first my foot...
by Meg | Aug 30, 2013 | dealing with disease, divorce, living with a disease, living with MS, MS, Multiple Sclerosis, Uncategorized, using a cane
When I was given the FINAL diagnosis of having MS and my response was an immediate “oh fuck” my neurologist at the time argued with me that it was an “oh damn” moment, and now, years later, I agree, but at the time, I thought he was a nut job. ...