by Meg | Dec 1, 2018 | Chronic Illness, Chronic pain, constipation, dealing with disease, MS drugs, Tecfidera
Back in 2013, when I began taking Tecfidera, the one and only “side-effect” that I experienced was constipation. Back then- mere months after it had come to market – “constipation” had not yet been listed as a possible side-effect, which meant I was told by both...
by Meg | Apr 11, 2014 | confidence, constipation, divorce, embarrassing moments, embarrassing moments, living with a disease, MS, MS and Sexual dysfunction, MS drugs, Multiple Sclerosis, Problems with Sex and MS, sex, sex and ms, Tecfidera, Uncategorized
For those that have been waiting/looking for an update about my experiences with Tecfidera, I DID finally remember to write one! Truthfully part of the lack of writing about it, is there isn’t that much to say, it’s been going pretty well, but hit the end...
by Meg | Mar 12, 2014 | dealing with disease, embarrassing moments, living with a disease, living with MS, MS, Multiple Sclerosis, reducing stress, sex, sex and ms, stress, Tecfidera, Uncategorized, what other people think
My absence from here began as a result of the chaos that hits during the holidays. Between the kids wrapping up school, holiday parties, song festivals, demanding social schedules to ensure that every last friend is seen before break begins, the pressure to get the...
by Meg | Sep 26, 2013 | constipation, disease modidying drug, DMD, embarrassing moments, embarrassing moments, living with a disease, living with MS, MS, Multiple Sclerosis, reasons to laugh and smile, smile & laugh, Tecfidera, Uncategorized
WARNING….The kids and I (and even Shawn) had a bit too much fun coming up with slang terms for some of the topics/content of this post. Would say sorry, but it was just too much fun, and after hearing what happened, you will understand WHY I needed to laugh! I...
by Meg | Aug 26, 2013 | Biogen, constipation, dealing with disease, DMD, MS drugs, Tecfidera, Uncategorized
We made it back and are slowly trying to play catch up; having been gone for three glorious weeks. I will post pictures and share a few stories and moments in a bit, but first felt that I should probably give folks (that care) a bit of an update on my new...