Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: My Medication Journey

Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: My Medication Journey

This is what I want the world to know: I use marijuana….all day….EVERY day.  I am a 47-year-old, disabled, divorced, soon to be re-married mom of three “almost adults” living with a chronic illness and cannabis has given me my life back!!!   I was...
Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Why Was I So Scared to Try Cannabis?

Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Why Was I So Scared to Try Cannabis?

I am nearing my one year anniversary…of my first experience with using cannabis to help with the chronic pain that comes with my MS.  As I look back over the past year, and I recall just how intimidated I was at the start of this journey, I’m feeling proud of what I...
Multiple Sclerosis & B-12: The Test Results Are In

Multiple Sclerosis & B-12: The Test Results Are In

    Yesterday, on my way in to see my doctor I shared this pic on social media along with the caption “Heading in to dr appointment to have B-12 levels checked again. Was super low at last appointment and dr wanted me to come in weekly for shot BUT I...
Multiple Sclerosis & Sex: My Booty Call & Update On Tecfidera

Multiple Sclerosis & Sex: My Booty Call & Update On Tecfidera

For those that have been waiting/looking for an update about my experiences with Tecfidera, I DID finally remember to write one!  Truthfully part of the lack of writing about it, is there isn’t that much to say, it’s been going pretty well, but hit the end...