Multiple Sclerosis – Strength From Sharing

Multiple Sclerosis – Strength From Sharing

A few weeks ago, BEFORE the flair up, BEFORE the flu, BEFORE the fear and panic set in, I was on the phone with someone.  Someone that I know very well and someone that I know has read anything and everything that I have written about living with this disease.  When I...
Another Year with MS – Being A Strong Motherfucker & Living Out My Dream

Another Year with MS – Being A Strong Motherfucker & Living Out My Dream

My life has changed SO much in the past 10 years, when I sit down and spend any time thinking about it, it really is mind blowing. When I was first diagnosed with MS – I was blessed to have a doctor that seems to have understood who I am and how I deal with...

FUCK! I’ve Fallen & I’m Not Sure I Want To Get Up!

    I’m lying in the pouring rain, covered in shattered glass, wine and blood; unable to get up because my legs have gone paralyzed.  All I can do is laugh; the body shaking, eyes watering up type of laughter.  As hard as I try, I cannot get back up.  I keep...

Tecfidera Constipation Update – The Shit Hit The Fan!!@!!!@!

WARNING….The kids and I (and even Shawn) had a bit too much fun coming up with slang terms for some of the topics/content of this post.  Would say sorry, but it was just too much fun, and after hearing what happened, you will understand WHY I needed to laugh! I...

The Story of New Feet & Tecfidera Update

This story is from quite a few years ago, shortly after I was diagnosed.  We had spent our month back East with my family and begrudgingly had returned to the life and chaos that hits every September, with the kids going back to school.   It was about 7:30 in the...