Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Traveling With An Invisible Disease

Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Traveling With An Invisible Disease

Smiles and laughter are infectious!  People are drawn to other people that seem genuinely happy, who seem to be loving life.  Because ultimately ALL of us want that, to be happy and to love life.   This past week we traveled to Syracuse New York, which REALLY is...
Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Neurons are Firing and I am Feeling Things…

Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Neurons are Firing and I am Feeling Things…

Last night I felt the most wonderfully annoying thing!  As I climbed into bed and struggled to stake my claim in the ever-changing game of bed-real estate we play with the dogs each night I noticed SOMETHING.  Or more accurately, I FELT something.   I FELT the...
Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: MRIs and Claustrophobia – My MRI Freak Out

Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: MRIs and Claustrophobia – My MRI Freak Out

I have had the “pleasure” of a number of MRIs over the years and have NEVER had a problem with claustrophobia… that is until the day that I did have a problem…and a big one at that.  Although it was just like every other MRI, same tube like...
Mutliple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Issues With Incontinence

Mutliple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Issues With Incontinence

I had another wonderful week of walks and talks.  I’m up to 90 minutes EVERY day – but have learned – that is my limit!  I can not walk for any longer than that. NOT because I don’t have the energy, and NOT because the pain becomes too unbearable –...
Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: What Made Me Decide to Finally Give Marijuana a Try

Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: What Made Me Decide to Finally Give Marijuana a Try

Over the past few months, as I have continued to find relief using cannabis, I have continued to try and learn as much as I can about it, and about how it is helping me.  I have had the opportunity to talk with a number of other MSers in an attempt to help educate...