Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: What A Difference A Year Can Make

Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: What A Difference A Year Can Make

One year ago today I was at what I would consider to be my rock bottom.  I had been off of any and all pharmaceutical drugs and using cannabis and cbd for over a year.  I had found a man that loved and cared about me, my kids were happy and healthy and I had even...
Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Continuing To Feel Stronger Every Day

Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis: Continuing To Feel Stronger Every Day

Have you been looking for me?   I didn’t mean to disappear.  I didn’t mean to go MIA. I didn’t mean to go silent and stop sharing my story.  In my defense, I didn’t REALLY AND COMPLETELY shut-up. I have continued to document my MMJ adventures over on my Instagram...