by Meg | Jun 14, 2013 | dealing with disease, divorce, living with a disease, MS, Multiple Sclerosis, positive attitude, reasons to laugh and smile, smile & laugh, Uncategorized
I have something that I need to get off my chest….to confess to all of you wonderful readers out there. I’m not sure what the reaction to this confession will be, if I will risk loosing some of you, but I can’t NOT say anything, because at the end...
by Meg | Jun 3, 2013 | dealing with disease, divorce, Doctor, inappropriate, living with MS, MRI scan for MS, Multiple Sclerosis, Pain, sex, sex and ms, smile & laugh, Uncategorized
I promised that I would write about this topic, and NOW here it is….SEX and MS. That’s right, everyone’s favorite topic, right? Although, I KNOW that Shawn has been a bit nervous about this post:) And dad, you might want to skip...
by Meg | May 28, 2013 | Biogen, dealing with disease, disease modifying drug, DMD, MS, MS drugs, Multiple Sclerosis, Pain, segway, smile & laugh, Tecfidera, Uncategorized, weighloss
It’s here…the day that I am finally going to start taking Tecfidea. As I explained in the post about my most recent MRI, it has been three years since I was on a disease modifying drug (DMD) and although I am excited about the prospect slowing future...