by Meg | Jul 26, 2017 | Cooling Vest, MS & Heat, Multiple Sclerosis and Heat, Uncategorized
Summer is here, in full swing – and as I have mentioned, heat can completely mess with my body – leaving me with blurry vision, a fog filled mind (like I am more than slightly drunk) and less than stable legs. Yet, I love the summer! I love being outside...
by Meg | Jul 24, 2017 | Cannabis & pain, Cannabis & Sleep issues, Chronic Illness & Cannabis, Chronic Pain & Cannabis, Medical Marijuana, Medical Marijuana & MS, Medical Marijuana & Pain, MMJ & Multiple Sclerosis, MS & Marijuana, Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis, Uncategorized
It’s been just over seven months since I first stepped into a local cannabis shop (The Evergreen Market) and I started trying different cannabis products to find relief from the chronic pain that had hijacked my life and left me just simply trying to survive each day....
by Meg | Jul 17, 2017 | Being Strong with a disease, Chronic pain, Chronic Pain & Cannabis, divorce, Exercise and MS, living with MS, Multiple Sclerosis & Exercise, single parent, using a cane
Exercise and keeping your body moving can help counter the effects of Multiple Sclerosis, increase energy and balance, ease symptoms and even help with cognitive issues. I think we can all agree that this is known and accepted information? No false news in that...
by Meg | Jul 13, 2017 | Uncategorized
A month ago, I saw a post on Instagram – about a book. A book about woman writer that is living with MS. Something about the brief snippet included in this post grabbed my attention and I clicked over to this writer’s IG profile and read some more. I became...