Exploring the world with Multiple Sclerosis since 2007 Medicating with cannabis & CBD since 2016
Read the BlogBuy the BookWelcome!
After being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2007 I began writing about my experiences. First – I wrote a book – Segway Into My New Life – and then I started this blog. BBHwithMS served as my journal and documentation of my life with Multiple Sclerosis from 2013 to 2019. From being on DMDs (and being a patient advocate for a pharmaceutical company) to coming off all the prescriptions and trying cannabis (and other plant based medicines) along with diet, exercise and large doses of nature to help manage my disease, I blogged about my experiences.
In 2020, with the arrival of a world pandemic coinciding with our purchase of 5 acres in small town Washington state, I doubled down on my commitment to naturally managing my shit. I pushed myself physically with daily walks, weekly hikes, strength training and a shit ton of stretching and yoga and I worked on my mental health and repairing the damage done to my brain by the pharmaceuticals. I made fixing myself my top priority, and although I did document voraciously over on Instagram – bbhwithms – as a self accountability tool, this blog lay dormant for years.
Over the past 4 years I have come to understand that I am not just managing my dis-ease, but rather, I am healing things. Last year I had the opportunity to contribute a chapter to a book titled “Beating Multiple Sclerosis; Empowering Stories of Self Healing and Thriving.” and I am extremely proud of the piece I wrote.You can listen to the audio version of my contribution on my podcast- Weeding Through Life – which is currently available on Spotify, or you can download the whole book for free over on Amazon. I did a follow up interview with Agata (the book’s creator) this year – which can be heard here and I also had the opportunity to talk about my healing journey with Jennifer May over at Alchemy for the People.
As I pivot and adjust my focus from being solely self-serving to trying to create Camp Sunshine 420– a space for others to experiment and learn for their own journeys, I felt I needed a clean slate to share what I have learned. I wanted to step away from being labeled as living with my disease and move into a space focused on healing and learning to live with ease, so I am closing down this blog (the site will still be here, but it will be static with no new posts or content being added) and will be launching a new site shortly. In the meantime, I will continue to document my progress over on my IG (also have an account for the retreat which can be viewed here) as well as continuing to bulk up my content over on our you tube channel, and adding new episodes to the podcast.
If you have additional questions or need to reach out to me – feel free to email me at campsunshine420@gmail.com
Aka BBHwithMS

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