This is what I want the world to know: I use marijuana….all day….EVERY day. I am a 47-year-old, disabled, divorced, soon to be re-married mom of three “almost adults” living with a chronic illness and cannabis has given me my life back!!!
I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2007, at the age of 37. From the very start, I was a “good little patient.” I went to my appointments, I went through all the procedures, I took all the medications they prescribed for me, I exercised, I ate healthy and I even tried to sleep a bit more (although that was a bit challenging seeing as my now “almost adults” were 5,7 and 9 at the time and sleep was often a rare commodity in my life back then.) But the point is that I tried! I did everything that was asked of me even when it seemed that maybe what I was putting into my body was doing more harm than good and possibly leaving me with more or worse symptoms than what I started out with. As I said, I was a “good” patient and I didn’t question things, I followed the advice of my doctors and truthfully “hoped for the best.”
“In hindsight – I get a bit sad and disappointed in myself for just how willingly I followed the path that had been set out before me, mapped out by my earlier life experiences with doctors and medicine. I was raised to believe they are the “experts” – they are the ones that are smart enough to become doctors and so they are the ones that know best. Period.”
But what I have come to realize is that when you live with a disease like MS – that is so messed up in so many ways that are so impossible to try and explain to anyone that doesn’t have it – then how in the world can any one person, even a doctor always know what’s best?????
Since day one, when I walked out of the neurologist’s office, I have been on medications. LOTS of them. I have been on baclofen, diazepam, clozapine, tizanidine Gabapentin, Ambien, Solu-Medrol Nortriptyline, Amitriptyline, Methadone, LDN, and Ampyra. There are others, probably no less or more severe than the listed ones, but I don’t remember them all and I really don’t feel like going into the garage and climbing up on a ladder to reach the three big boxes of medical bills and records that I have stored there. I put them there months before deciding to come off all of my medications, so perhaps that was a bit of foreshadowing of things to come… maybe I was already fed up with the shit life I was living.
Possible side-effects listed include (but are not limited to)
Dizziness, drowsiness, headaches, nausea, weakness, loss of coordination,blurred/double vision, shaking/tremors,dry-mouth, constipation, diarrhea, tiredness, weight gain, trouble urinating, dry-mouth, black tongue, itching or rash, breast swelling (in men and women), decreased sex drive, impotence, or difficulty having an orgasm, anxiety, sleep problems, little to no urniation, memory loss, mood or behavior changes, depression, may cause liver damage, Asthenia, can slow down your brain’s activity and interfere with your judgment, thinking, and motor skills, inability to control muscle movements (ataxia), increased heart-rate, increased salivation, increased sweating, feeling irritable, dry eyes (contact discomfort), Nightmares, swelling of the feet or legs, may impair your thinking or reactions, feeling “drugged” or light-headed, stuffy nose, throat irritation, muscle pain, Heartburn, impaired wound healing, restlessness, fainting, back pain, sinus pain, hair loss and flushing.
(All read by some super speedy reader in a hushed toned – just like the assinine drug ads now shown on t.v.)
That list of drugs was to try and deal with the symptoms of the disease. In addition, I was forever in search of a DMD (disease modifying drug) or DMT (disease-modifying therapy) that would slow the progression of my disease. I started with Avonex (an Interferon,) I moved to Tysabri and once that was ruled out I did a round of Rituximab followed by Tecfidera. All failed me – my body did not tolerate any of them. First, there were the nearly unbearable “flu-like symptoms” from the Avonex injections that left me lying on the bathroom floor hugging the toilet for 10 hours one night a week for the first 12 months of living with this disease. Followed quickly by the Tysabri. The first infusion went well, and in the first 28 days, there were signs of improvement my mobility and balance seemed to get a bit better and my fatigue was not quite so all-consuming. But round two led to hives and month three led to anaphylactic shock. My body had developed “anti-body positivity” to the drug and it was explained to me that my body would fight the drug to the death – as in MY death, so that didn’t work out!
I then did a round of rituximab – which was not at the time approved by the FDA as a protocol for MS – but it was in clinical trials. The trial was comparing the results of two DMDs – one being one of the interferon drugs already approved by the FDA for MS and Rituximab. It was a double-blind study (meaning neither the doctor or the patient would know which drug each patient would be getting) and since I had already tried Avonex – and after a year had shown “significant” progression in my MRIs) I was not a candidate for the study. My doctor wrote an amazing compassionate care waiver appeal – and it was approved. I only did one round of the treatment (can’t recall if it was multiple infusions spread out over a few weeks or months?) I don’t have much of a memory of this particular drug – mainly because it was the only one that didn’t have any side effects or bad symptoms. It was the “good little DMD” in my mind.
I eventually moved on to Tecfidera – which I somewhat blame for the onset of the chronic pain; NOT a direct link, but causational. Tecfidera made me SO constipated, so back up, that it became extremely uncomfortable and then painful to work out or get any form of exercise. I KNEW that exercising would help counter the constipation but I had been working out almost every day prior to starting on it and continued to do so until I got so full of shit that my 2 hour gym visits were replaced with a lame ass stroll around the block with the dog because that was all my cramped up intestines could take.
This lasted for months – as I tried numerous different products and medications that my doctor recommended to help with the constipation. SO I was taking a drug that was making me constipated and then being prescribed another drug to try and help alleviate my fecal impaction. I tried prunes, and fiber bars, fiber supplements, probiotics, laxatives and I even did a suppository once a DAY for about a month! Nothing worked. Occasionally I would experience a small bit of relief – have a small bowel movement or two, but then it was back to being full of shit and in pain from it.
As my body wasn’t properly disposing of the waste, I wasn’t moving my ass nearly as much and the pounds began to slowly creep up. The less I moved, the worse the pain got. The worse the pain got, the less I moved. This is the time in the story when the pain medications kick in. Prior to this, I did occasionally have pain, but it was not chronic and it was not unbearable – unpleasant yes, unbearable, no.
And then it was unbearable and I again returned to my doctor’s office looking for his “expert” advice – wanting him to somehow find something to make it better. He wanted me to “explain” the pain. When it is chronic AND it is an “all over” thing – then putting it into words seems an impossible and completely irrelevant task. My nerves and neurons are running around fucking up messages and memos willy-nilly and making me think I am in pain, when from the outside, physically, there isn’t anything wrong with me. There doesn’t appear to be a reason for the pain. But that doesn’t mean that what I feel isn’t real because I can assure you – it is real, and painful as shit. I became tied to the pain, and I couldn’t seperate it from anything else I was feeling. It was always there and as time went on, it got worse and worse. I believe I finally just said to my doctor
“It just fucking hurts…ALL OVER – ALL of THE TIME!!!”
So began the quest to cease the pain or at least squelch it a bit. I began drinking – not in some desperate attempt to drown out the pain but I discovered that a drink (a cocktail, a beer or a glass of wine – my body wasn’t picky about what type of alcohol) would bring my pain level down for a 10 to a manageable 7. I made regular visits to my doctor’s office and tried numerous different prescriptions – always hoping that the next thing would be the one that would finally stop the incessant voices screaming about the pain. Nothing worked. Some of the medications would start out helping significantly, but it was always just a matter of time before the voices would start screaming in pain again and I would be back to simply trying to survive each and every day.
Then there was a discussion of putting a pain pump in my hip, and THAT didn’t sound like a good idea to me. It was this conversation that is what finally set the bells off in my head and made me think “maybe all of this isn’t working.” It was the first time the ten years since receiving my diagnosis that I thought “this isn’t going the way it should.” Maybe for whatever reason, my body really doesn’t want all this shit being put into it? Maybe it has all be too much? For the past 10 years, I have put anything and everything into my body that was suggested by my doctors and yet, when I looked in the mirror, I didn’t recognize myself. I saw the fat, full of shit, blog that I had become and I realized I had had enough!
“I needed to change something, anything, to try and re-route my course because the path I was headed down was dark, lonely, depressing and pathetic and I didn’t want to be any of those things. I didn’t know how much of what I was feeling, both mentally and physically, was because of the disease and how much of it was from the drugs and medications and their side-effects, but I finally realized it was time to find out.”
I spent 3 months weening myself off of all of the medications I had been on. I then spent approximately 2 months living with no drugs. I determined that none of the pain medications had been doing anything by the end. I was in mind-numbing amounts of pain, but it was no different than it had been in the months prior to coming off all the medications.
Once I was “clean” of all of the prescription drugs, I made my first ever visit to a local dispensary (aka Pot Shop.) I had smoked pot once or twice before in my life – and although I wouldn’t say I had super negative experiences, it wasn’t something I have ever been interested in. Truthfully I bought into the whole “illegal for a reason” thing – I most definitely had negative connotations towards marijuana. I didn’t really know why it was illegal, nor did I particularly care that it wasn’t legal, because it wasn’t something that I wanted, or needed in my life.
Until now, because what I have learned over the past 18 months has blown my mind and left me completely baffled and dumbfounded (ok, really more like really fucking pissed off) that this PLANT has been withheld from people with medical needs, because without a doubt – it has amazing medicinal properties and is 100% a legitimate medicine.
I am LIVING PROOF of that!!!!!
I didn’t become some pot-head stoner. I’m not just saying that cannabis helps so that I can get high every day (which would at least help pass the time with the pain) BUT that isn’t the case. It helps immensely with the pain and I am actually getting my LIFE back thanks to cannabis. In the past 18 months, since going off of all the prescription medications and using cannabis as my medicine, I have lost 20 lbs, I am back to exercising EVERY day, I quit smoking after 30 years AND I am happy to announce I am no longer full of shit – I have become a world-class shitter!
ALL of that in 18 months and all of that while not taking any of the drugs that the doctors had recommended and only using small amounts of cannabis (micro-dosing.)
I am NOT anti-doctor, I believe that most (many) have their patients best interest at heart but what I have come to understand is that they too have fallen into the “devil’s weed” conspiracy. They too were raised in a time, by a society that made us believe that it is inherently BAD for us. The fact that the federal government still classifies it as a schedule one drug makes NO sense. A class one drug “has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.” Yet here I am attesting to the many ways that it has helped me – MEDICALLY. The government claims that a lack of research and testing makes it hard to determine whether or not cannabis has true medical benefits but I am here to say…
“I’ve done the research, and I have done the testing, using myself as the lab rat. My results are conclusive – cannabis is, in fact, a legitimate and valuable medicine!!!”
So – as a 47 year old, disabled, divorced, soon to be married mother of three “almost grown-up” children that is actually getting my life back on track thanks to cannabis – I would like to tell the world that cannabis is NOT the bad thing that we have been made to believe it is. It is not the devil’s weed and it does not destroy lives. It has allowed me to live my life again, and for that, I am forever grateful. I intend to do all that I can to share my story and try and help others overcome the stigma and stereotypes and to try and make sure that everyone with a medical need has access to at least try it. It is not a cure-all and it may not be for everyone, but I strongly believe that everyone should have access to this plant that has so many natural healing properties.
My Cannabis Story: My First Joint and Second Expo!
**This is my personal blog and all opinions are my own. I am not a doctor, nor do I play one here on my blog. The content here is for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of medical professionals. Be sure to contact your doctor before trying any new medications/vitamins/supplements, physical activities or therapies **
Kudos to you for a gut-honest blog about your experiences with prescribed drugs and now, cannabis. I agree with one of your comments that most doctors are well-informed and truly interested in their patient’s well-being. That said, my 25+ years of PP MS diagnosis has shown me that there are no doctors, or even groups of doctors, who have this insidious thing called MS figured out. Despite the billions of dollars that have been invested into finding treatments and cures for our disease, we just aren’t close enough yet to figuring this damn thing out. That doesn’t mean we should walk around with our eyes on the pavement and our demeanors filled with negativity, only that we probably need to take more charge of our personal situations as we seek comfort and solutions. As you did! And as I’m in the midst of doing! (I’ll be talking to you privately about my own pursuits. I’m not ready to publicly proclaim.)
God bless you for taking control! I so sincerely mean that. It takes guts and gumption to do so. You had a problem – actually, a multitude of problems and experiences – and you decided it was time to forward your own path into an uncertain future. But that future was no more certain when you were on the drugs, right? So you lost little and gained one hell of a lot through your pursuit of cannabis. I’m just very impressed with your sticktoitiveness. And cheers to you for sharing what you’ve learned; we all know there are many who are suffering greatly with various chronic illnesses. You are offering people the opportunity to test something that might in fact change their lives – people like you get rewarded in many ways.
All of us with MS, and other autoimmune diseases, are on similar journeys with unique paths. Unfortunately, much of the burden of trial and error, of discovering what might work best for us, and more, lies at our feet. We can stare down at the floor, at that pile of stuff we have to deal with, which at times seems so overwhelming, or we can get educated and make some bold decisions. Those include prescribed and un-prescribed medications, or alternative medical approaches that might fall far outside the boundaries of generally accepted Western practices. But hell, have you ever gone to a doctor’s appointment and felt like, after your 10 years of experience, you might know more about this beast disease than the doctor sitting across from you? Don’t answer, we’ve all been there.
I’m not sure which route I’m going to choose for my own MS, which important choices I’m going to make. But I do know that I will approach the options with the same vigor you approached your cannabis alternative with.
Cheers from Oregon,
Damn you Ken! Tears running down my cheeks. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement!!!
Hey Meg, I’m a healthy 50 y.o. I was diagnosed with PPMS last year. I think and hope maybe the progression is on the slower side of things?… Had the pain in back and weakness / foot drop symptoms for a few years blah blah blah… I opted to not take a massive dose of steroids and Teriflumonide (nasty side effects!!!) that would maybe not even really help me? I quickly slipped in as a good candidate for an MS trail for Ocrelizumab here in Vancouver. Fortunately… so far, it has given me zero side effects. I wanted to wait and see how this Ocrevus works on me before trying the cannabis. So i’ve gave it about a year with just the Ocrevus infusions (4 of them). I still have a 2 more and then we’ll see… Perhaps the Ocrelizumab / Ocrevus maybe has helped slow my progression a bit? I’m still able to walk with my poles. Anyhow, the spasticity and stiffness for me is the worst and pain fortunately is usually more on the mild side. Thanks to your blog, i finally went to one of the many cannabis shops here in Vancouver. There pretty much like Starbucks here! It was meant to be. The owner of the shop who was there that day actually has MS herself. Anyways, she was super helpful. My choice for me is the cannabis infused Indica edibles. I also take a bite of CBD edible as well. They are like a soft chewy candy. (Sativa or Indica?). MS’ers for the most part prefer Indica as it’s seems to be a bit more of a mellow body high… Sativa maybe feels a little more of a upitty head high like smoking it? Really for me it is about micro-dosing (meaning a small nibble 2-3 times a day) and that helps me function at a better level. The 120 MG of THC is good (for me) quite mellow. It enables me to be not to be tripping balls and loosen up and stretch or do way more exercises. If there’s more pain then it’s a bigger bite! So edibles work really well for me, but i understand (like you and a lot of MS’rs who have more of pain issue, i prolly would be smoking or vaping for a quicker instant result. For me it’s a couple of bites a day of these cannabis infused jelly things (120 MG of THC) and then a bite of CBD (100 MG of CBD) candy which has no THC. I honestly think the cannabis also helps relax my body more, so it doesn’t mistakenly attack itself as much? Also, just read here in Canada one of our major medical insurance companies will be adding medical marijuana as an option to their group benefit plans. Med-marijuana has finally become very important in treatment and pain management!
Hi Paul!!!!
Thank you SO much for sharing your story – and I LOVE that the dispensary gal has MS herself – well I don’t actually LOVE that anyone has this stupid disease, but I love that you were able to connect with her and tap her resources!
Keep it going!
Wow. This could be my story too. I am 56 and smoking cannabis for the first time for my MS. I wish everyone could be open minded enough to try this for their medical issues. Sadly, so many people are deeply brainwashed by the propaganda surrounding it. Very happy for you!
Hey Debby! Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your story. Yes. More people need to get over the stigmas and stereotypes and realize the plants true medical benefits! But I often remind myself I held onto those stigma for way too long myself. Change doesn’t always happens over night but every step forward is something. Every story shared is more proof of its legitimate medical benefits!
Hello my dear,
I am very interested in your journey and am following. I was diagnosed in 2005. I too suffer with a great deal of pain. I never took pain meds as my tolerance is very high and I would have to continually take too many. So… I suffer. Have you tried CBD oil? If yes could you give me a company name? Everyone and his brother seems to be selling the stuff so it makes it hard to know what is legit. Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Most sincerely
Michelle Thomison
Hi Michelle!
My apologies for the delay in responding – although I read and approved your comment, I was on my phone and I knew my response would be too long to try and type out on my phone:) I DID start out with using just CBD oils BUT they were from a cannabis plant – as opposed to Hemp which is more than likely what you are referring to. Hemp CBD is legal in all 50 states, which is one of the reasons that it is often what others with MS (and other illnesses) are using. Although I can’t speak directly from experience I can say that I have heard from many followers that have found relief using these oils – and my personal and completely UNPROFESSIONAL and UNMEDICAL opinion is it is worth a shot.
Given what I have learned about the WHYS of how cannabis is helping me (terpenes and endocannabinoids being two big ones) I would think that getting similar benefits from HEMP may just be possible. Unfortunately, since it is not something that I have tried, I don’t have a company or source to recommend and for that I apologize as I KNOW just how frustrating it can be. There are a bunch of FB groups that focus on MEDICAL CANNABIS or MARIJUANA. I would suggest you check them out as I have met a bunch of awesome people there and they may well have suggestions!
Good luck and I am sorry that my answer really wasn’t much help:(
I have ppms 2003 and started getting copaxin shots . I had a reaction to the shot and then found out I have a blood problem with my white count called MDS . Now I can’t take medicine that lower your white count . You can guess it no ms meds for you just meds that try and help with the symptoms. By the end of 2005 I ended up in a w/c numb from waist down ,hands are in fist. I am a single mom with 4 kids the last on graduating this year, and going to college. I am sick of the pain anxiety, depression, and not being able to sleep or eat. My 1st neurologist told me that marjiaun was the only thing that would help me. I live in a state that stupid and won’t let us get it. I want it to be legal so maybe I won’t turn totally paralyzed. I need to find love and no more chronic pain. I also have a colostomy ,urostomy, 3 inches of my tailbone gone. I need it bad been on same pills since 2003. Sorry, so long. I need a cheap way to get it.
Hi Linda,
Thanks so much for sharing your story! We all deserve to have access to that which will help us through all the bullshit MS doles out. Hopefully our country will figure this out sooner rather than later. I keep sharing my story in the hopes that people will see and hear that I am living proof of it’s medicinal benefits. Education is huge – there are so many unknowns that it is hard for people to let go of the stigmas and stereotypes:)
Sending you good vibes!
Smoking is not an option for me, and I have no idea what strains or forms of marijuana would be helpful to someone with MS. Is there somewhere I can learn more about the specifics involved? Thanks so much!
Hi Cindy!
I was in the same boat about not knowing anything about any of it. I remember feeling completely overwhelmed and pretty sure that I would never understand any of it. Yet here I am – 18 months later and I can say, I have learned a lot!
I am working on putting together a few podcasts that would address many of the questions you have and hope to get the first few out soon. In the meantime, I have helped a number of MSers with figuring out what to try etc. and have learned the best and most efficient way is to have a chat. If you would like to find a time to talk shoot me an email at meglewellyn @ and I’ll send you my phone # we can find a time that works:)
Hi, I was also diagnosed about 10 years ago. Opted from the beginning to not take any drugs but have gone on rituxan the last 2 years (twice a year infusion). Curious about what you mean by microdosing. Peace, and good luck to ya. Kevin
Hey Kevin –
So “micro-dosing” is NOT my word – it is just one that seems to be generating some momentum – all it means is that I take small little bits – for me because I choose to use a vape pen, it just means that I take one or two small puffs at a time – usually every 2-3 hours during the day. I can feel it helping with the pain and muscle spasms almost immediately but it doesn’t mess with my mind.
Hope this helps a bit?
I love this post! I too have been learning about the benefits of cannabis with my MS and I am so very lucky to have my sister in law who is one of the most knowledgeable people I know in regards to cannabis educating me! I was also “anti pot” and if I even found a little piece of green in my kids room I had a conniption fit! I have since apologized and we now have open conversations about it’s benefits. It has helped me immensely and my hope is to go off all my medications I’m the near future. It is helping my daughter with her horrible stomach problems and my other daughter with her Ankolysing Spondylitis. My sister in law is off all medications for anxiety, depression, hormones. All of it and she is doing amazing! Keep telling people Meg, you are awesome!
Raegan aka Cooking in Cowboy Boots
🙂 Thanks for sharing your story Raegen! The more people learn and the more they can see and hear the success stories behind this plant the more people will begin to understand that it is truly MEDICINE!:)
I am so happy you have found relief. My husbands neuto told him not to even get started of medical marijuana because it will cost hundreds every month and is not covered by insurance. Do you mind sharing if this is indeed true?
Thank you for sharing your story!
Hi Lisa,
So it will vary a ton depending on where you live because costs fluxuate BUT for me – I spend NO MORE than $200 a month – and truthfully, if I would STOP always picking up something new when I do my dispensary visits it would be less. I also seem to be requiring LESS daily – which may well be because being more active and exercising daily again has lowered my pain levels but I often get up and go a few hours BEFORE I have my first puff or two from my vape pen, where as last year this time I would get up at 6 am and the very first thing I would need to do is take a few puffs.
Although I certainly do NOT want to tell you to not listen to the doctor – I do have to say that even IF I had to spend a lot more, I would be willing to pay, given how much helps AND how great I feel!:)
Good luck and IF your husband decides to give it a try and has any questions please don’t hesitate to ask!:)
Reading about your experience with cannabis gives me a renewed hope and determination to find out more about getting a prescription so that I can try this. I live in NY and have researched a bit on the internet about medical marijuana and I know I have to find a doctor who is on the list of those who can prescribe it. I had already asked my neurologist and she said I have to find one – no help seemed to be coming from her and although I like her, the answer to everything is yet another prescription for another medication, just as you had experienced. So I start looking at the list of doctors in NY and find a few near me, but not one of them was on my insurance, so that was that. But now I am determined to try again. Any advice would be welcomed!
Hey Elaine- YES – I hope you DO continue to try and learn about cannabis and find a doctor that will prescribe… I realize that it may not help everyone as much as it has helped me, but one of the things that I have learned from going to the two cannabis shows is that there are people of all shapes, sizes and walks of life use cannabis and it helps with SO many different things. If you ever want to chat about what I have tried, what works and doesn’t work for me and what I have learned I am MORE than happy to jump on a phone call. Feel free to shoot me an email ( and I can send you my phone number!:)
Goog luck! Sending you good karma that you will find something that helps!
Thank you so much Meg! I really appreciate the information, encouragement and generous offer to speak on the phone!
I hear you. So many times over the past 9 years, the doctors have contradicted themselves. As to pain, I complained about my new brace for a year. I was told in my mind or just my nerves until I finally had a picture of the huge blood blister on my foot. New explanation – new brace, wider shoe and shoe size a problem as I have prehensile toes. Guess what? still burning
Hi Megan, this is astonishing! “I want to be you” You never quit the journey and I am so proud of you and what you have accomplished. People write books about this and make tons of money and you just shared a TRUE, REAL LIFE Story that became. I pray that you continue on this path and remain true to yourself, for you deserve every little microscopic minute of it! God Bless!
Thanks so much for your kind and encouraging words Cheri! It really comes down to the alternative which is to NOT keep trying to kick MS’s ass – which doesn’t seem like it would be nearly as much fun!
I to have taken many various drugs since dx in 1991, but never any DMD as was told noothing would help my MS. My biggest problem has aslways been the chronic pain, which started in 1974. I had just started my nuring training and got told my back would be betterr if I lost 4 stone. I have never thought that doctors are experts, possibly because i saw so many of them at work lol.
I gave up all medication in 2014 and have felt much better and like you I’m no longer full of shit, hubby does disagree with this last comment lol.
At the moment I’m getting severe pain most afternoons, but we have just had a month of stress and travel, so I will wait and see what develops.
As far as I’m concerend anything that gets you through each day, go for it.
I am new to cannibis but can say it helps me more & quicker than any pill, relief in many ways,so happy to have this option.Jessi
I do love happy endings and yours certainly qualifies, Meg. I loved reading your story and learning about how cannabis helped you. I don’t know what state you live in but here in NJ I’d like to find out more about cannabis somewhere down the road. Good for you for taking charge of your life, Meg! Wonderful.
Cathy – I have just the person for you…AND she lives in Jersey! Check out Jessie Gill over at Medical Marijuana Mommy She is a RN that really knows her shit when it comes to the medical side of the plant! Tell her I sent you – she is awesome!
Oh and thank you so much for your kind words. Kinda like happy endings too – especially when it is my OWN!!!:) I live in WASHINGTON (Seattle at the moment) BUT since my folks still live back East (Martha’s Vineyard) I head back there at least once a year and now feeling like I may have to begin to extend my stay so that I can travel around and meet some of the amazing peeps I have made because of this disease and this plant! I will for sure let you know if I get to your area!